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Did you know that caffeine works by blocking the adenosine, aka drowsiness chemical, receptors in your brain? So, it’s not that coffee picks you up, it’s more that it delays sleep. Which is maybe why it tastes so, so good. And fresh, locally roasted coffee always tastes the best. 

  • 12 oz. coffee beans by 33 1/3 Coffee Roasters
  • Stainless Steel, double walled, short tumbler. Perfect for your freshly brewed coffee or perhaps a glass of wine. It’s easily transportable to take you to any patio or deck you might find yourself.
  • Two Saskatchewan Wood Coasters - Rob Nernberg
  • Pure Sweetness Treat Shoppe proudly presents its latest snack sensation! Try their Chocolate Caramel Fudge – succulently creamy, devilishly rich, and intensely delicious!
  • Coffee Sipping Spoon -
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